Wednesday, 18 April 2007


Iris Reticulata, originally uploaded by Red Snapper9.

All my favourite flowers are spring flowers and I especially love those with complex and trumpet like blooms like this amazing Iris. Only nature could produce something so exquisite. I really could just sit and look at this for hours and marvel at its beauty, and whatever else that may be happening in my life this will always bring me joy.


BeanSS said...

I feel the same way Christine.This is a beautiful shot.Irises are one of my favorites.I love all flowers. But I guess you know all that from my flickr stream Cheers!

Red Snapper9 said...

Thank you very much Denise. I've only just picked up your message so apologies for not acknowledging before now. They are glorious aren't they!

joker the lurcher said...

blue flowers are my favourite! i have a lovely monkshood in the garden - although it is poisonous i love its delicacy

Red Snapper9 said...

I love blue flowers too, and also these rich mauves. They are so blousey and "devil may care"